What to Look for in Quality Tea When Shopping Online

Looking for the perfect tea to enjoy at home or share with friends? Shopping for tea online offers convenience, but it can be overwhelming given the myriad of options available. To ensure you find high-quality tea that meets your preferences, it’s essential to know what to look for. Here’s a guide to help you make informed choices when you buy tea online.

Understand the Types of Tea

Before diving into the online tea store, familiarise yourself with different types of tea. Common categories include black, green, white, oolong, and herbal teas. Each type offers unique flavors and benefits. For instance, black tea is robust and bold, while green tea is known for its delicate taste and health benefits.

Check the Ingredients

Quality tea starts with quality ingredients. When shopping online, carefully review the ingredients listed for each product. Premium teas will have high-grade leaves or herbs without unnecessary additives. For example, a well-crafted slimming tea should contain natural herbs known for their fat-burning and metabolism-boosting properties. Be wary of teas with artificial flavors or excessive fillers, as these can affect both taste and health benefits.

Look for Freshness

Tea is best enjoyed when it’s fresh. When you order tea online, ensure that the retailer provides information about the tea’s harvest date or packaging date. Fresh tea retains its essential oils and flavors, making your brew more aromatic and flavorful. Check for packaging that protects the tea from moisture and light, which can degrade its quality over time.

Evaluate the Source

The origin of the tea can basically impact its quality. High-quality tea often comes from renowned regions known for their tea production, such as Darjeeling in India, or Uji in Japan. When buying tea online, check if the website provides information about the source of their tea. A reputable online tea store will proudly share details about their sourcing practices and the regions where their teas are grown.

Read Customer Reviews

Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality of tea. Look for reviews that mention the flavor, freshness, and overall experience of the tea. Positive feedback from other tea enthusiasts can guide you towards high-quality options and help you avoid teas that might not meet your expectations.

Consider the Packaging

Packaging is crucial in maintaining the quality of tea. Look for teas that come in airtight, resealable packages to preserve freshness. The packaging should also be labeled with essential information, including the tea’s type, ingredients, and brewing instructions. Quality packaging reflects a commitment to preserving the tea’s integrity and ensuring you receive a fresh product.

Assess the Price

While price isn’t always an indicator of quality, it can offer some clues. Extremely cheap teas may compromise on quality and use lower-grade ingredients. On the other hand, excessively high prices don’t always guarantee superior quality. Compare prices across different online tea stores to find a balance that suits your budget while ensuring quality.

Check for Certifications

Certifications like organic or fair trade can be a sign of higher quality. Organic teas are grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilisers, ensuring a cleaner, more natural product. Fair trade certifications indicate that the tea is sourced responsibly, supporting sustainable practices and fair wages for workers. Look for these certifications when you buy tea online to make a more ethical and health-conscious choice.

Explore the Variety

A good online tea store will offer a diverse selection of teas to cater to various tastes and needs. Whether you’re looking for a robust breakfast tea, a calming herbal infusion, or a refreshing green tea, variety allows you to explore different flavors and find your perfect match. At Indian Royal Brew, we offer an extensive range of teas, including exotic blends and traditional favorites, ensuring there’s something for every tea lover.

Customer Service and Return Policies

Reliable customer service and clear return policies are essential when shopping online. Ensure that the online tea store has a good track record for handling customer inquiries and resolving issues. Additionally, check if they offer a return or exchange policy in case the tea doesn’t meet your expectations. Indian Royal Brew is committed to providing excellent customer service and ensuring your satisfaction with every purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How can I tell if the tea is fresh?

Fresh tea will have recent harvest dates or packaging dates listed. It should also be stored in airtight, resealable packaging to maintain its flavor and aroma. Look for these details when shopping at Indian Royal Brew.

Q: Are certifications important for tea quality?

Yes, certifications like organic or fair trade can indicate higher quality and ethical sourcing practices. Organic teas are grown without synthetic pesticides, and fair trade certifications support sustainable practices.

Q: How can I ensure I’m getting a good price for quality tea?

Compare prices across different online tea stores to find a balance between cost and quality. Avoid extremely cheap options as they may compromise on quality. Always consider the reputation of the store.

Q: What should I check in customer reviews?

Read customer reviews to gain insights into the tea’s flavor, freshness, and overall quality. Positive feedback can help you select high-quality options and avoid disappointing purchases.

Q: Why choose Indian Royal Brew for tea?

Indian Royal Brew offers a wide selection of high-quality teas with detailed product descriptions and fresh, well-packaged products. Their good customer service ensures a satisfying shopping experience. 


Shopping for tea online can be a delightful experience if you know what to look for. By considering factors like ingredient quality, freshness, source, and packaging, you can make an informed decision and enjoy a perfect cup of tea every time. Explore our diverse selection at Indian Royal Brew to find high-quality teas that meet your needs and preferences. 

For more information or assistance, visit our website or contact us at 0800 472 739. Happy tea shopping!