7 Tips to Design a Perfect Bathroom

You may not realize it, but bathrooms are increasingly important in both creating or destroying the interest of home buyers. In the past, bathroom makeovers tend to focus more on function than style. However, modern bathrooms are both stylish a highly functional at the same time. 

Do you want to renovate your old-fashioned bathroom? Or want to get rid of your dreadful-looking space? Then you are in the right place. Here, we will provide you with the best tips and ideas for your bathroom makeover. 

After reading this blog, you will be ready to decide about your bathroom essentials like bathroom furniture, walls, colours, theme, and design. Or for every purpose you have.

1. Planning for a Bathroom Makeover

The first and most important thing is to consider your purpose. What is your purpose for a bathroom makeover? Do you want extra space? Want a lavish or luxurious look? Want to add some storage with bathroom furniture? What theme do you want to choose?  You want a full bathroom or half bathroom. Will it be a powder room or not?  Do you want to build a new restroom or want to do a makeover? Consider all these things. You will know what you want.

If it is just a makeover, then it is good because we are just discussing bathroom makeovers. But you can also use these tips for new bathrooms too.

2. Make Your Budget

You cannot start anything without a budget.  A bathroom makeover will be a long-term investment in your asset. Maybe it will remain the same for many years? Choose what you want to do with your budget. Think about quality if you want to replace your bathroom furniture, showers, counters, shelves, tub, toilet, and vanity. Estimate the cost of materials and accessories that you want to change. Then start your bathroom makeover.

3. Creating Spacious in the Bathroom.

 If you want to add a spacious look, analyze your bathroom size first. If you want to make a change in it, then go for it. Try to add a window in the new bathroom, and also add light-coloured cabinets and floor. You can also choose stylish glass sidings, frames, and doors for the shower instead of walls to make your bathroom look bigger. A classy mirror on the wall, wall hung bathroom furniture, a nice painting, a light colour rug on the floor, and accessories definitely look good in spacious or average size spaces.

Incredible lightning also has a great effect on bathroom makeovers. According to the theme, you can choose your lighting style, but white, yellowish, and light brown lighting goes well.

4. Decorating A Small Bathroom to Look Bigger.

A bathroom makeover is something that can make a small or narrow-sized bathroom look bigger. If you have a small bathroom, start by analysing the current position of bathroom accessories. For example, you can choose one sink vanity instead of two sink vanities. Every colour on the floor and walls goes well, but when you know how to balance it. But best practices say that you should choose light colours. 

If you have a narrow-sized small bathroom, then you should choose one item between shower and bathtub according to your need. Floating sinks, wall hanging wide mirrors, and small wall mounted lights and towel hangers go well. If you do not have enough space, you can build drawers or shelves within the wall. Proper light plays a great role. If you have proper natural bright light resources in the bathroom, adding painting is also a great way to enhance the bathroom.  

5. Always Prefer Quality Products

After a few days of a bathroom makeover, broken tiles, torn paint fainted coloured bathroom furniture may not seem great. Many people do not renovate their bathrooms monthly or annually. So, selecting the right quality, even with a high price, is way better than cheap products.

6. Add Detail in Your Bathroom

Look for each small thing in your bathroom. Small things mostly highlight the places. Try to add flowers or vases in your bathroom corners or on shelves. Even a small flower can add enough detail. Flowers that grow in artificial light and even artificial flowers in bathrooms look good. Hanging paintings, their position, the colour of floor and walls, rug on the floor, lamps on a shelf or wall-mounted lights on bathroom furniture, candles, mirror, bathtub size and position, pocket doors, glass doors, cabinet design, and the surface of vanity these all things are important in a bathroom makeover.

7. DIY Makeover Design Ideas

Instead of looking for a bathroom makeover design on the internet, you can try creating your own designs. For example, imagine an orchid near your sink, candles on the side of the bathtub, and potted plants around the tub for grey bathroom furniture is not a bad idea. 

Even when you theme your parties, you can also choose themes for your bathroom makeover instead of regular designs. What do you think about a pirate theme bathroom for kids?

Final Thoughts

Well, there are lots of possibilities. You can choose your own styles but remember the basic rule. Do not make it look over and shady. Choose bright colours. If you are hanging paintings on the wall, do not hang a plant on its side instead of putting a small flower on the corner shelf.