How to Develop Virtual Reality Application?

What is VR?

Virtual reality (VR) is a computer technology that uses virtual reality headsets or multi-projected environments, sometimes in combination with physical environments or props, to generate realistic images, sounds, and other sensations that simulate a user’s physical presence in a virtual or imaginary environment. A person using virtual reality equipment can “look around” the artificial world, and interact with virtual features or items.

Virtual reality typically refers to computer-generated simulations of environments, whereas augmented reality refers to the addition of real-world elements to a user’s view of the world.

Virtual reality for smartphones:

The introduction of VR applications on Android devices and iPhones is expected to nurture the next wave of VR products. Smartphone VR has a high potential that most companies are trying to live up to. Virtual Reality on smartphones has given a competitive edge to the freedom of creating immersive experiences on the go.

However, there are certain drawbacks that need to be resolved. One of the major drawbacks is Virtual reality platforms like Google Daydream will need you to launch into a separate app ecosystem. Most users find it inconvenient and hectic.

Types of Virtual reality Apps:

Entertainment: This type of app is used just for fun. It can be a game, movie, or something else that immerses you in a different world.

Education: VR can also be used for educational purposes. You can use it to learn about things that are hard to experience in the real world, such as history or science.

Training: VR can be used for training purposes as well. You can use it to learn how to do things like drive a car or fly a plane.

Design: If you’re a designer, VR can be a great way to see your designs in 3D. This can help you to better understand how they will look and work when they’re made into a real product.

Business: VR can also be used for business purposes. You can use it to give presentations or to show potential customers what your product will look like.

How To Develop Virtual Reality Application?

When it comes to developing a VR app, there are three main options. You can build it yourself, you can use an off-the-shelf app builder, or you can hire a professional developer to make one for you. Depending on your budget and the quality of experience that you need, one method might be better than the others.

Technical requirements for creating virtual reality:


To develop a VR app, you need a platform to build it on. The most popular platforms are Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR. However, there are also several other platforms that support VR development, such as Gear VR, Daydream, and Cardboard.


SDK stands for Software Development Kit, which is a set of tools that allows developers to create apps. SDKs are used to optimize various features within the app, including 3D performance, head tracking, and device compatibility. Once you have selected your platform, choose an SDK for it to use.


VR apps require significantly more graphics power than traditional 2D apps. This is because you are rendering two images instead of one, and the images need to be high quality to create a believable virtual world. In order to achieve the best results, you will need a device that has a powerful graphics processor.


Rendering is the process of creating images from a 3D model. In VR, these images must be created for each frame, which requires a lot of processing power. This is why it is important to choose a device with a powerful graphics processor if you are building a VR app.


VR apps require high-quality audio. The audio will help with immersion and can even enhance your app with the right implementation. When you set up audio in your VR project, keep in mind that most mobile devices have their speakers facing away from the user. One way to solve this problem is by setting up binaural sound recordings which simulate the way sound is heard in the real world.

Game engines:

Game engines are software frameworks that are used to create video games. There are several different game engines available, each with its own set of features. When choosing a game engine for VR development, make sure that it has features that are suited for VR apps.


In order to develop VR apps, you will need some specialized hardware. In addition to a VR-compatible device, you will also need a 3D mouse or joystick, and a head-mounted display.

  • Console
  • Light mobile VR headsets
  • Premium mobile VR headsets
  • VR headsets connecting to external PCs
  • Standalone headsets
  • VR haptic feedback suits

Testing and debugging:

It is important to test your VR app on different devices before releasing it to the public. This will help you catch any errors or problems that may occur on different devices. In addition, you should also use debug tools to help you troubleshoot any issues

Benefits of VR apps for businesses:

  1. VR is used to market products, this can help companies gain more clients and increase their income.
  2. VR enables businesses to allow customers to try out products before they buy them.
  3. It’s also useful for remote training or exploring new territories (business-wise) remotely with the use of VR apps.
  4. VR can also help build and promote brands.

VR has become a powerful tool in marketing, as those who see VR commercials show high involvement and connection towards the ad.

Some basic steps you need to take:

  1. Decide what you want your VR experience to do. This is probably the most important step. What are you trying to achieve with your VR application? Is it an immersive game? An educational tool? Or just something fun and entertaining? Once you know what you want to achieve, you can start designing your VR experience around that goal.
  2. Start with a storyboard. This will help you visualize how the VR experience will work. Draw out each scene and describe what will happen in each one. This will help you determine how many scenes you need and what kind of interactions each scene will provide.
  3. Determine how users will navigate through your VR experience. There are a few different ways that you can go about this, but the simplest one is to create a linear experience where users simply move from scene to scene in order.
  4. Think of everything that can go wrong and try to prevent those issues ahead of time by using various coding techniques such as exception handling and secure coding. Also, plan for things going wrong by designing a user interface that clearly explains how to exit or fix issues when they arise.

How much does it cost to create a VR app?

The price for creating a VR app varies depending on the complexity of your project, but you should expect to pay around $25,000 – $50,000.

VR is now becoming a part of many applications and it can be seen as a powerful technology that enhances the overall experience not only in mobile apps but also in business.