PPC advertising in search and in the network – a really good marketer knows how to work with this. This is a really effective tool for driving traffic with their further conversion into leads and sales. However, not all of them bring results, and therefore they are optimized.
For example, adjusting bids, testing other keywords, limiting impressions, and much more. There is a lot of manual labor behind all these processes. And there can be many campaigns, and not only in Google. Direct, but also in Google Ads. There are many factors to consider and a lot of time spent on other PPC advertising management tasks.
For example, marketers sometimes see the “Low impressions” status – when an ad group is not receiving traffic, which is why Google. Direct does not show them. This can happen due to the fact that the ad contains low-frequency requests. Therefore, specialists have to spend time and effort revising the settings, including the selection of new keywords.
And it is not so easy to do this, because Google. Direct does not allow the use of the “+1 high-frequency keyword phrase with a minimum bid per group” technique. Although earlier this was actively used. All these tasks turn into a marketing headache, and manual labor is constantly multiplied. However, this problem can be solved with automation.
How to automate the management of contextual advertising?
Putting contextual advertising on autopilot sounds risky. And it is not surprising, because the marketer trusts his hands, skills and experience more than a robot. However, you shouldn’t be afraid of advertising automation for several reasons:

• Advertising systems themselves offer such technologies. For example, in digital marketing, there are smart Google campaigns: a person only needs to upload creatives and indicate acceptable budgets. And then the system will do the targeting, ads, bids for you – save you from manual labor. Then the ad learns, and then it starts bringing in leads.
• Automation is limited to algorithms and a set of rules for which only the marketer is responsible. For example, the cost of the conversion. If you ask the system that the conversion price should not be higher than 100 dollar, then it will.
Without algorithms, the automation service would simply not work. That is, the uprising of the machines will happen only if you want it yourself – control remains with you.
For example, the Digitech Worlds Optimizer functionality allows you to do this. It is based on two principles for optimizing contextual advertising: maximum conversions with a fixed CPA or maximum conversions for a daily budget for a group of companies.
That is, if you specify an acceptable CPA cost of 300 dollar, then the algorithms will bring as many leads as possible within the specified limits.
This means you don’t have to manually adjust your ads or spend a lot of time reconfiguring your campaigns – the Digitech Worlds Optimizer will do it for you. And for this you do not need to go from one account to another – it is convenient to optimize and manage advertising on search / Google and Google networks in one place. All ad data and metrics will be included in reports through integration with these systems.
And so is the optimization and management of advertising campaigns in Google Ads.
You can also set the maximum rate change in the Digitech Worlds Optimizer settings, including for mobile devices. And you will also be insured: the system will not double the current bid for search ads and no more than 5% in GOOGLE.
And if you still want to have full control over contextual advertising, then choose a recommendation system. Algorithms will tell you how to adjust your rates.
And how to deal with “Few impressions”?
Few impressions” in Google. Direct – every marketer could face this. To revive ads, you have to change settings, test keywords – spend a lot of time and apply routine manual labor.
However, the Digitech Worlds Optimizer will automatically handle this task with the Anti- Low Impression feature .
The principle of operation is simple – the system looks for groups that are shown in the search and GOOGLE, and then moves the keys there from the ads with the status “Few impressions”.
All you need is to set up the principles of the conditions and rules for solving such a problem in your personal account in a couple of clicks.
PPC advertising automation keeps manual labor to a minimum. Entrust the solution of routine tasks, management and adjustments of rates to the error-free operation of algorithms.
Manual optimization takes a lot of time that can be devoted to other urgent tasks. And it doesn’t remain if you have to work with a large number of campaigns.
With Digitech Worlds Optimizer, the ad specialist still has control over ads and decision making.
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