In recent years, social networks have proven that they are the perfect showcase for businesses of all kinds. As these platforms grew stronger, these companies began to see how a well-targeted Facebook post could be as strong (if not stronger) as a TV ad. On top of that, the return on investment (ROI) can be higher.
It is thanks to this success that social networks offer more features specifically designed for E-Commerce in order to sell more, better, and, if possible, without leaving the social network.
In this article, we’ll analyze some of the most used social networks, the reasons why you should consider selling on each one, and present a tool that can help you do so in an automated way even if you are running an affiliate cashback or coupon site.
Which social networks to use for your online store?
Social networks are obviously not the same, for example by the community present on them. The influence on the community is notably due to the functionalities offered by the network in question. So Instagram is much more visual (which makes it perfect for B2C businesses where aesthetics play a big role), while Snapchat is aimed at a very young audience. And so on.
Thus, we are going to analyze 4 networks to take into account, so that you choose the most suitable according to what you want to sell:
Facebook for e-commerce
Facebook is today the social network par excellence. Indeed, it is one of the first networks of this kind to appear on the Internet, thus making it possible to make adjustments in the functionalities it offers, according to the evolution of consumer needs.
Why sell on Facebook?
According to data published by Facebook, the network reached 2 billion users at the end of 2018. No other network (not even Chinese networks) has so many users, showing strong attractiveness around the world.
It is a network that brings together all kinds of people, which allows you to find potential customers, regardless of the target of your business. Its advertising platform is one of the most advanced, compared to the various networks offered by the competition.
The costs of promotional campaigns have increased, but it is still a great option for anyone wanting to promote their online store and products. Many stores continue to base their overall advertising strategy on this network.
Why sell on Instagram?
For many, from an E-Commerce point of view, Instagram is the social network of choice. While Facebook has reached its peak of users, Instagram continues to grow and attract new users;
Instagram users interact much more with brands than Facebook users ( 68% rate of interaction on Instagram between consumers and brands, versus 32% on Facebook);
The average order of an Instagram user is $65, while one on Facebook is $55;
Like Facebook, it allows products to be labeled directly in posts and to make the purchase from the app itself, without having to be redirected to external sites (which has the effect of increasing the conversion).
Pinterest for e-commerce
A very special social network. Its audience is predominantly female and very oriented toward decoration and DIY.
Why sell on Pinterest?
Pinterest now has over 250 million active users ;
Pinterest stands out from other social networks by the use of it by users. Indeed, they are looking for specific topics and ideas, rather than just scrolling aimlessly, unlike Facebook and Instagram;
It is a perfect network for brands with strong visual content (fashion, decoration, art), or content related to DIY. This category applies to both B2B and B2C companies.
Snapchat for e-commerce
A social network which, for the moment, mainly targets young people. Indeed, millennials are not the only ones present on this network: Generation Z is also part of the communities present on the application.
Why sell on Snapchat?
Snapchat has nearly 200 million users, which is a very good thing considering the fact that its audience is predominantly young;
Like Facebook and Instagram, it allows you to make purchases directly in the app, without the user having to go to an external website.
Snapchat is a social network designed for millennials. Thus, brands targeting this population are in the presence of a strong opportunity;
Like on Instagram, visual products work better than more complex products.

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