The Manual on Using Icons on Apps and Websites to Enhance User Interface

Ever used an app or website with an icon that didn’t do anything? Well, you’re not alone! Many icons are so generic that they have no meaning. It can be quite a challenge to make your icons stand out from the rest of the UI. 

The images and icons that you use on your website and applications can have a very positive impact on your users. Now that mobile apps are becoming more widely used, it’s important to be mindful of the fonts and colors that you use on your websites and apps. 

While there are many variables at play, some of the most important things to consider when it comes to icons are: 

(1) The fonts used on your website/app. Try to avoid fonts like Helvetica or Arial. They will appear too large and make your website look less authentic. 

(2) The colors used on your website/app. Avoid using colors in bold or color-shifting tones, like orange (the color of fire). It will look out of place in a “modern” app. 

(3) The size of your icons. If the icon is too small, it will be hard for users to distinguish one from another. If it’s too large, users may not be able

Mobile apps and websites are getting more interactive and interactive design is becoming the norm. But this doesn’t mean we need to implement complex graphics and animations in our apps. Using icons and images can go a long way in making your app more attractive to users while simultaneously adding functionality. In this article, we will look at some reasons why free SVG icons and images can enhance your users’ experience.

What are SVG?

For rendering two-dimensional images on the internet, a standard graphics file type known as an SVG file, or scalable vector graphic file, is utilized.

For rendering two-dimensional images on the internet, a standard graphics file type known as an SVG file, or scalable vector graphic file, is utilized. SVG encodes images as vectors, a kind of graphic made consisting of points, lines, curves, and shapes based on mathematical formulas, in contrast to other widely used image file formats.


The impact and usability of icons are actually lessened by labels. Users often don’t click on each symbol to see what it does because they want to be absolutely certain of the action an icon will do before they venture outside of their comfort zone. 

Use text labels if necessary to help your users understand the iconography’s explicit expectations. Labels can negate the objective of the icon and can appear cluttered, which is why many designers dislike them. The alternative, according to Monica Bridges, a business blogger at Draft Beyond and Research Papers UK, is that “they’ll add icon instructions and coaching panels. This might be a useful technique to highlight various Free Vector icons for distinctive characteristics, but it shouldn’t be a workaround for utilizing complicated design concepts because  many users will skip tutorials.” 

When it comes to apps and websites, labels can be a little complicated. Particularly when viewing something on a phone, there isn’t much room. Therefore, it is a truth that the labels are somewhat superfluous. The most common icons, such as the home and search icons, as well as the heart or star for favorites, the bell for notifications, a human figure for the user profile, etc., can be used to resolve this. It can be more challenging, though, if you have pages that are industry-specific and require icons that are more specialized. In order to know what type of icons users would expect, it would be necessary to conduct some user testing.

Icons’ layout

Icons and other user interface elements must be simple to use, comprehend, and access. The greatest icon design techniques involve keeping things straightforward and eliminating complications. Additionally, they have to be the same across all of your symbols. Consider your limited color choices and color palette. To create repetition that will enhance the user experience, you can repeat some items. To effectively communicate with the user, white space should bring the user’s attention to the icons.

It’s possible that there are many different hues visible when you glance at your smartphone. App icons frequently use vibrant, eye-catching colors to draw the user’s attention. It goes without saying that there are icon packs available for download as well, which would do away with all of those colors and leave you with straight, less distracting lines.

However, those eye-catching icons were made by the designers to entice you. All of those apps’ in-app icons, though, are noticeably muted once you open them. The majority of the time, they are in a black to white range, frequently in dark grey, or just tolerated. 

Though there is usually simply one accent color that blends well with the app overall, they do occasionally have some color. The thing is, though, that was never the intention—it was never meant to distract from the message.

The app itself is just meant to serve as a carrier; content is meant to take center stage. When designing, bear this in mind. The single icon with color in this scenario, which represents the main page of Pinterest, appears only after you click on it.

Identifiable icons to be employed:

The ability to be recognized globally is what gives icons their best value. There are already universal symbols for things like dangers and poisons, directions for transportation, and more that signify the same thing everywhere. 

Emoji’s and other internet-based icons have helped to create this universal language. Everyone can understand this language, regardless of their nationality or preferred tongue. Your website can draw viewers from around the world by utilizing these symbols.

Wrap up

Icons can make or break an interface’s usefulness. Every icon ought to have a function. It need to make it easier for the user to do their tasks without putting in more work. Icons can effectively direct users through a process without a lot of copy when they are properly designed. Keep users from having to think. Give emphasis on clarity in the app!